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The Crossways Schools


School attendance is really important for all sorts of reasons including supporting children with academic progress but also giving them the best chance of developing good social connections – if you’re not in – you miss out.

Parents are required under the Education Act (1996) to ensure children attend school regularly. The headteacher of a school has a discretionary power to authorise absence only in exceptional circumstances. A family holiday is not an exceptional circumstance. If you complete a leave of absence request form and the request is declined, (as it will be in the majority of cases) and you still take your child out of school, each parent within your household may be issued with a £80 penalty notice for each child you have taken out of school.

Please see our Attendance policy below.   


Infants:  Gates open at 8:45am.   There is a 10-minute window in which parents can drop off and member of staff will be on the gate to greet them during this period.   Children must be in for registration. Registration is at 8:55am and children are marked late if they arrive up to 20 mins after this time.   From 9:15am arrivals will be recorded as unauthorised absence for the morning session.    

 Juniors: There will be a member of staff on the Junior playground from 8:40am – please don’t leave your child before this as they will not be supervised.  All teachers will be on the playground to greet their class at 8:45am; when a bell is rung to signal to the children it’s time to line up to come into school.   Registration is at 8:55am and marked as the Infants above.

Children arriving after 8:55am will have an L code (for Late) and will need to come in through the school office.
Children arriving after 9:15am will receive a U code (late after registers close) which will counts as an unauthorised session.  If you are arriving late after 8:55am you will need to drop your child via the school office which is situated in the Infant building.